Nominee Submission for AllAfrica Student Leaders Awards - East Africa (ASLA-EA)

Unleash the Power of African Youth Leadership.

Africa is a tapestry of diversity beaming with an enviable demographic dividend that comprises youth who are passionate, resilient, and exhibit unparalleled creativity. As we stand on the precipice of the inaugural AllAfrica Student Leaders Awards-East Africa, we're searching for those individuals that have illuminated their institutions, communities, countries and regions in their small way, touching hearts and minds through their dedication to service across the EAC region.

Whether you are serving in the student executive council in a committee, club or hold any position in your institution we see you as one on a journey to make the world a better place. We recognize the effort, dedication, and passion behind your achievement and the potential in your future. This is your chance to let the world know about the impact you are having, the story crafting, and the essence of Africa you've encapsulated.

By submitting your details and being a part of this trailblazing event, you're not just seeking recognition. You're saying yes to the challenge of leadership and stepping on a springboard to catapult your leadership potential and inspiring countless others to embark on their own leadership journeys.

The AllAfrica Student Leaders Awards-East Africa is as much about individual accolades as it is about elevating and celebrating the collective spirit of young promising leaders across our continent.

Step forward. Share your impact. Shape the narrative.

We eagerly await your submission. Embrace this moment. Let's spotlight the brilliance of your leadership together.

Nominee Submission Form