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Pinnacle Category - East Africa Excellence Award (Under 30)

Country: Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
I have been in leadership of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania (IET)—Student Chapter at the University of Dar es Salaam for one year. In collaboration with other leaders and exhibitors, UDSM became the champion of the 4th Youth Expo facilitated by IET with the theme “The role of young engineering practitioners in developing innovative solutions for societal challenges in a dynamic world." On that exhibition, IET-UDSM leaders, we had a project titled IET MKONONI with the aim of modifying the management system for leaders of IET from hardcopies to a strong database system, enabling members and other visitors to see upcoming events and other important news about our IET, and also the platform providing an opportunity to all eligible engineering students to download the IET membership form, fill it out, and submit it to leaders for further processes. Beyond that, we aim to start partnerships with manufacturing companies so we can have a chance to participate in practical training, graduate programs, career fair seminars, special seminars for women to promote engineering to girls, and various training and study tours. As individual, as a leader I participated as a committee member of 4th Youth Expo preparation with more than six hundred members, I’m a member of African Youth Leadership Forum (AYLF),I participate training toward acquiring Certified Associated in Project Management (CAPM®) so that to increase my leadership and management skills and then become exceptional leader in the future, I’m participated in innovation, with YouthTeamUp forum in collaboration with other member we develop project idea with title ”Monitoring and Modification of flue tobacco curing barns to control deforestation in Africa” this is for the aim of modifying tobacco curing system so that to save about 80,000 acres of forest each year, save health of people by introducing nicotine fumes monitoring systems. My commitment to leading my colleagues toward engineering excellence in Tanzania, my passion for learning and keeping growing toward engineering, management, and leadership, and my ambition to use the mechanical engineering skills I have to solve real problems existing in my native society make me the right person to be among the leaders who make a legacy in the community.
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