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Social Transformers Category - Climate Action Champion (Elizabeth Mrema Award) (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Richard Masinde
United States International University (USIU-Africa)
I am a passionate and driven youth leader committed to creating tangible change in the fight against climate change. With a deep belief in the power of community, innovation, and advocacy, I have dedicated my efforts to championing environmental sustainability and mobilizing my peers to take action. As a leader and advocate, I focus on bridging awareness with practical solutions, empowering individuals and communities to become stewards of a healthier planet. My journey in climate action began with a vision to inspire others and create a meaningful impact. Through a combination of transformative projects, awareness campaigns, and peer collaboration, I have built a platform for environmental advocacy that not only addresses immediate challenges but also lays the groundwork for sustainable development. My work is rooted in the principles of equity, resilience, and shared responsibility, ensuring that every voice contributes to the collective effort for a sustainable future.
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